- Specialized education and practice over 500 hours
- Licensed healer and therapist in energy medicine
- Licensed bioenergy therapist
- Radiesthezia in diagnostic
- Diploma of specially designed study for therapist and healers in medical science in the area of general and clinical medicine, Croatian Institute For Natural Medicine in Zagreb, curriculum recognized by the Croatian Ministry of Health
- Diploma of specially designed study for therapist and healers in psychiatry and psychology, Croatian Institute For Natural Medicine in Zagreb, curriculum recognized by the Croatian Ministry of Health
- 30 years of working experience
- MA Political Science
- 258 held lectures, conferences and various public events
- 485 hours of specialized education
- More than 500 expertise articles, reports and analyses
- More than 50 tailor-made communication campaigns
- Communication Expert
- Public Relations and Media Expert
- Professional and certified Health Coach and Mentor for human potentials on behalf of the
- International Association of Coaching Institute
- Certified Neurolinguistic Coach NLC (Society For Neurolinguistic Coaching)
- Certified Neurolinguistic Practitioner (IANLP,DVNLP)
- Certified Neurolinguistic Master (DVNLP,EANLP,HANLP)
- Certified Wing wave®Coach, Besser-Siegmund-Institute
- Certified Autogenic Training Coach, Sebastian Kneip Academy, Berlin
- Ongoing education Basics of Pre-clinical And Clinical Medicine For Therapists And Healers, 144 hours, by Croatian Association for Natural and Energy Medicine, under the lead by Prof.dr.sc.Darko Ropacapproved by the Croatian Ministry of Health (KLASA: 022-04/17-01/03, URBROJ: 534-1/7-17-3
Tools And Techniques
- Energy medicine: Bioenergy, Radiesthezy
- Energy Psychology
- Applied knowledge in the General and Clinical Medicine for healers and therapists of Energy Medicine
- Applied knowledge in Psychology and Psychiatry for healers and therapists of Energy Medicine
- Applied knowledge from classic, humanistic and positive psychology
- Mirror Healing Therapy
- Energy Medicine
- Energy Psychology
- Applied knowledge and techniques based on:
- Transaction Analysis
- Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
- Neuro Linguistic Therapy
- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Autogenic Training
- Neuro Linguistic Therapy
- Numerous Coaching Techniques
- Wing Wave Coaching
- Reiki healing
- Mentoring
- Mental techniques
- Techniques of verbal and non verbal communication
- DVNLP - Deutsche Verband für Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren, Berlin
- IN – International Association of NLP Institutes, Berlin
- EANLP – European Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Berlin
- ICI – International Association of Coaching Institutes, Berlin
- International Institutes "Besser-Siegmund", Hamburg
- NLP&Coaching Academia, Stutgard
- HUC, Hrvatska udruga za coaching, Zagreb
- HANLP– Hrvatska Asocijacija Neurolingvističkog programiranja, Zagreb
- član Međunarodne udruga Reiki, Japan