My Columns and Articles in Media

June 1, 2024
If you missed my articles published by the most popular Croatian life-style portals and media, you can find them here:                                         ...

Boost your Self Confidence and Improve Your Self Image

June 1, 2024
This simple and little exercise can be very powerful and can become part of your daily Self-Work and it is free of cost. At the end of the day and every day, ask yourself these Qs:  What  did I accomplish ...

E-Book: Stop Worry About What Other People Think Of You!

March 13, 2023
How well do you know yourself? Are you able to navigate through your life pretty well or not? Do you think that you worry a great deal about how you come across to others and what people will think about ...

How Can You Recognize If Someone May Have A Personality Disorder?

February 28, 2023
What’s Personality Disorder? A personality disorder represents a long-term pattern of Thinking, Emotion and Behaviour that is inflexible, extreme and as a reult it is DYSFUNCTIONAL. As such, it causes distress for affected person and makes it difficult to function ...

E-Book ”Finding Yourself”

February 23, 2023
Life is tough, yet beautiful! All of us will face challenges in our lives. However, not everyone faces them the same way. Hence, the way you face a challenge says a great deal about you. Some will struggle to overcome challenges,  ...

How Can A Holistic Therapist help you to grow?

February 4, 2023
Turn Your Challenges Into Opportunity For Growth We currently undergo through an unprecedented severe global crisis. Our societies and populations around the world are faced by massive, unprecedented challenges, disrupting essential aspects of public, economic, and private life. The crisis ...

Perfect vs. Imperfect

December 30, 2022
A Perfect Man Do you believe that you have a perfect life? Are you satisfied and happy with what you are and what you have? I assume that very few may answer with “yes” and may not be able describe ...

More silence, more inner balance

December 10, 2022
To much meaningless talking People like talking. People like words and lots of bla, bla, bla. That’s OK providing they have ability to manage properly their audio skills. Most of us talk far too much and conversely spend little time ...

Ten Principles For Greater Living And Happier Life

October 23, 2022
I would like to share with you some of insights I have come to as a holistic psychotherapist in my daily work and interactions with many of my clients from all ages. It’s about some of  the most important life ...

Are You Deeply Unhappy Person?

October 6, 2022
Habits and Behaviour of Unhappy and Miserable People It is said that happiness is a state of mind and to a certain extent, that’s true. However, I believe that whether we are happy or unhappy is more about whether good ...

If Only …

July 8, 2022
If Only…. When you feel unhappy, bored, disillusioned or depressed, it can seem impossible to change your mood. Oftentimes, we fall into a trap thinking that someone or something outside of ourselves can give our lives meaning and make us ...

Are you lacking EQ skills?

June 30, 2022
Test yourself How do you feel right now? Can you describe and recognize the emotion you are feeling? Are you able to control those whatever feelings you experience right now especially if unpleasant without allowing them to overwhelm you and ...

If I Could Turn Back Time

June 17, 2022
Can I slow down my aging? If I could turn back the clock and take better care of myself, of my body and my skin. The anti-aging market is blossoming offering to all those who want to remain young forever ...

Why Are You Unsuccessful?

June 7, 2022
There is no shortcut to success In the past two decades, I’ve put really significant efforts, sacrifices and money, in studying and reskilling to reach the desired point – be healthy, happy, confident and successful. Missing nothing. To be and ...

Gun Violence As A New Normal?

May 31, 2022
The beginning of mental illness Following the recent shooting tragedy in Texas – today in the USA, tomorrow somewhere in our courtyard, I am really horrified by these new behavioural trends amongst the youth population. In opinion there isn’t an ...

Get your daily ”dose” of happy chemicals!

May 3, 2022
Hormones of happiness Have you heard of happiness chemicals? The fact is that the human brain releasesthese happy chemicals or neurotransmitters hormones influencing your  #mental #health that make you feel bed/good. There are four main happiness brain chemicals, and each ...

It’s All About Inflammation

April 21, 2022
It is so important to understand how an inflammatory process can seriously affect our health in the long-term.With an ongoing pandemics of the corona virus, it would be good if more people could understand some facts. Like for an ex. ...

Facts Parents Should Know About Mental Illnesss In Teens

January 25, 2022
Epidemic of mental diseases With the ongoing pandemic “accompanied” by a state of massive psychosis, we undoubtedly witness an epidemic of mental illnesses in teens population. More often these mental disorders and illnesses end up with even more serious state ...

Why Do You Get Sick?

January 17, 2022
Everything starts from an inflammation It’s of crucial importance to understand to what extend an inflammatory process can seriously affect our health in the long-term. Notably facing challenges with the pandemics. It should be clear  that the viruses notably Sars-Cov-2 ...

How to recognize and help your anxious or depressed teenager

October 18, 2021
Epidemic of mental diseases With the ongoing pandemic “accompanied” by a state of massive psychosis, we undoubtedly witness an epidemic of mental illnesses in teens population. More often these mental disorders and illnesses end up with even more serious state ...