Importance and meaning of communication

Communication skills impact upon teens and children ability to listen, understand and express themselves. These skills are fundamental to problem solving and maintaining relationships. It has a big impact on their future and the quality of their life. Learning vocabulary and sentence structure is important too, nevertheless, having a two way interactive communication which is clearly understood by both parties is a fundamental skill that must be learned for whatever native basic language’s skills in order to become easy to grasp.

Beyond native language, communication is relevant in every academic subject and for children to be able to get the most out of their education. Many researches in Europe suggest that primary school children, notably those in deprived areas, suffer from have communication difficulties that aren’t obviously being properly addressed at schools. Hence, by engaging students (and pupils too) in rich, active and confident communication, we can do a lot in terms of enabling them to weave those skills into their education, as well as helping them to express themselves freely, openly and articulate their thoughts and feelings adequately.


Speech, language and communication problems are the most common childhood disability and in terms of how a child’s brain develops, there is a window of opportunity when their brains most easily learn these skills. It’s important that the improvements are not left too late. Communication plays an important part in how children learn to socialize, how well they learn and how well they cope later in life. Another key element of communication skills is not just what we project out to others, but also the quality of our own internal conversation, in other words, our our thoughts. Having positive internal communication is an important element in maintaining good mental health and well being. Often those who experience depression, anxiety and stress are communicating internally in very negative ways and this creates a snow ball effect to their problem. It means they can quickly feel out of control such as that the long term consequence of this can be quite damaging for mental well being. Therefore, the longer communication problems go unaddressed, the higher the likelihood that there will be an affect on academic success later on.

Good communication skills impact too level of child’s education, their career and future financial well being, and whether they are going to be investing in society in terms of relying upon it to support them financially.

Last but not least, communicating clearly means that a person is thinking clearly too. The longer term impact of this is less conflict between individuals and groups. Families can become more harmonious and classrooms become calmer places making learning more likely to happen.

Why communication should be taught at schools? 

Why do I advocate introducing communication as an obligatory subject in all schools?

Because studying communication skills CAN :

  • increase our understanding of relationships.
  • develop important life skills such are critical thinking, problem solving, conflict resolution, team building, public speaking.
  • improve how we see others as communication is the way we meet others, develop and manage relationships and work effectively with others.
  • improve self-knowledge and self perception because most self-knowledge comes to us through communication.
  • help persons succeed professionally.Creating strong oral and written messages, working well with others, managing your image, researching, analyzing and solving problems are key abilities employers look for.
  • improve self-knowledge and self perception because most self-knowledge comes to us through communication.

Communication that connect us, human, remains your ticket to personal and career success, of course if you pay attention and learn to do it effectively!