Everything starts from an inflammation

It’s of crucial importance to understand to what extend an inflammatory process can seriously affect our health in the long-term. Notably facing challenges with the pandemics. It should be clear  that the viruses notably Sars-Cov-2 can be lethal primarily to people whose immune system is compromised (weakened) with some chronic disease. Why is so? Because living with a weakened immune system means a higher chance of infection and illness.

You can think of your immune system as a strong army. Its primary task is to protect us from enemies both foreign (viruses and bacteria) and domestic (diseases like cancer). Say that your organism is immuno-compromised. What happens? Your immune system’s defense is low, and it will consequently affect its ability to fight off infections and diseases. Depending on WHY your immune system is compromised, this state can be either permanent or temporary.

Where’s danger?

  • I’ll try to simply explain:
    Why a chronic inflammation poses a serious problem in the human body?
  • How can you protect yourself?

Temporary Or A Permanent Inflammation?

Last year a had fairly light accident on my motorcycle, though I broke my hand and I was full of bruises and scratches. You might have been injured as well in the past.

  • Have you ever thought of why these ruptures, scratches or cuts on your body didn’t bleed continuously?
  • Why after several days your wound(s) will heal naturally with no consequences and health complications?

These may sound as a complicated question. However, an answer to these questions is fairly logical and simple. Hence, it is because an acute inflammation as a localized protective response, elicited by injury or destruction of tissues. Its main purpose is to dilute, destroy, or wall off both the injurious agent and the injured tissue.

In principle there are 5 classic signs of inflammation are redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function.

In other word, in most cases, the healing process works well with no complication. However, the main issue with an inflammation is that it can really turn into a chronic problem and than complication your life. Chronic inflammation is nothing else but a prolonged inflammatory response that involves a progressive change in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation. It is characterized by the simultaneous destruction and repair of the tissue from the inflammatory process. It can follow an acute form of inflammation or be a prolonged low-grade form.

What’s the cause of an inflammation?

Why a chronic inflammatory is a health issue. Unlike the inflammation that follows a sudden infection or injury, chronic inflammation produces a steady, low level of inflammation within the body that can contribute to the development of disease. As a matter of fact, it is the result, in part, of an over firing immune system. Low levels of inflammation can get triggered in the body, even when there’s no disease to fight or injury to heal, and sometimes the system can’t shut itself off. This chronic inflammation can affect every organ in your body – be it your gastrointestinal or urinary tract, cardiovascular system, kidney, liver, muscles, thyroid, or your brain. Furthermore, chronic inflammation is strongly associated with a diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and even dementia.

Although conventional medicine and clinicians are keep telling us that they are still not sure what exactly causes the immune system to misfire and begin this process, they do, however, acknowledge what factors can affect your risk for chronic inflammation. These are your diet and eating habits, lack of physical activity, exposure to toxins, stress, etc. In other words, an unhealthy lifestyle.

If we understand that the inflammation triggers a serious health problems, than it should be in our interest to work on preventing a disease or at least minimize it in our bodies.

How can we prevent any disease?

I can tell you one thing. One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation, comes not from the pharmacy, and doctors. It comes from a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, your mental state which is related to your mindset and the way you think all day long, what you eat and drink and your physical activities. There are really plenty of scientific and experimental studies that have clearly demonstrated that components of foods or beverages may have serious anti-inflammatory effects. Let’s tackle only one aspect of a healthy lifestyle, say your eating habits. One way to fight inflammation is simply to be self disciplined and to avoid foods that increase inflammation in the body.

What you should not eat?

I will list some of  foods items that are killing you in the longer run. Needless to add they negatively affect your body, and can trigger an inflammation. These are carbs notably those refined carbs such as bread and pastries, pasta, rice. Furthermore it’s also all fried foods, fast food in general, processed meat and its products, margarine, and of course all types of food that contain sugar. That’s killer number one.

What food is good for you?

Foods that fight inflammation. Add in your regular daily diet live and colorful foods. Primarily vegetables notably green one, fruits, olive oil, nuts. Generally speaking eat all those good and healthy fats from proteins such are omega-3s from oily fish, walnuts, and some seeds, grass-fed meat and pasture-raised poultry, legumes, whole grains, and unpasteurized full-fat dairy

What else?

Last but not least, do not forget to exercise! It is also a great way to decrease inflammation in the body. Just 20 m-30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise can reduce inflammation in the body. It includes jogging, fast walking, bicycling, tennis, gardening. Feeling like a workout needs to be at a peak exertion level for a long duration can intimidate those who suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases and could greatly benefit from physical activity. For most people moderate active exercise can help with inflammation.

It’s really important to grasp these information during the ongoing pandemics when we’re all even more vulnerable. If you get infected nonetheless,  and the analysis indicate rather  serious clinical condition, if you suffer from any chronic disease, please consider these tips to help you fight the battle of excess inflammation in your body. Remember that fighting inflammation can pay big dividends in your life. Stay alert. Invest in yourself.

Invest in your health

Invest in your health because your health is an investment. It should never be regarded as expense.  Eat a balanced diet and get control over your stress hormone level. Only YOU can make the biggest impact on your own health. To maintain or improve it, beside a healthy lifestyle choices, you may also need my support and help to do so. So think about what you really want in your healthcare and go for it.  Be 3x I = Informed; Intentional; Involved!


Get in touch with FocusIN centre and make your appointment in live or online!




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Mirella Rasic Paolini, Holistički terapeut