Can hard work beat intelligence? Sure, it can in spite of the fact that people have been often actually misled to believe that the only sure way towards successful life (whatever it means) is t be blessed with an extraordinary IQ.

Human intelligence measured by IQ is definitely over-rated parameter. I’m constantly meeting people who are so obviously more intelligent than others taking into account the IQ parameter but who on the other side have so unhappy, meaningless, frustrating and non-productive lives.
Furthermore, I personally know at least couple of persons who are very successful and complete without very hard work and who’d probably score low on a standard IQ test even though they are very successful.

What is the IQ measurement? It’s actually a very narrow form of ability, to think abstractly and solve abstract problems. In addition to this, there are also many other forms of intelligence like music intelligence or evaluating people;so called real-time intelligence, etc. whereby most of them are simply ignored by the classic IQ test.

Various researches clearly demonstrated there are far more important factors at play when it comes to succeeding at our goals and meaningful life. Hence, according to the Carnegie Institute of Technology, 85% of financial success can be attributed to people skills rather than raw brain power. And it makes sense that people prefer to do business with those they trust.

Bearing in mind that the researches findings suggest that the EMOTIONAL INTELIGENCE is actually a greater indicator than the IQ , personality traits are more accurate predictors of success, that the IQ.

According to Dr. Poropat , there are BIG 5 personality factors which can be shown to improve test results. Hence, individuals that had higher levels of these traits were more likely to achieve higher grade when compared to standardized tests score:
1. conscientiousness
2. openness
3. agreeableness
4. extraversion
5. emotional stability

Furthermore, the Carnegie Institute found that 85% of financial success is generated from people skills that can be learned, whereas 15% of financial success is due to technical knowledge and skills. In the workplace, team-thinking and personal development should be the top priorities, whereas emotional awareness toward yourself, your colleagues and your clients sits at the core of an effective professional development strategy.

Still, to be able to do that you need to think about developing or already possessing (congrats!) following things (don’t worry, if you do not recognize yourselves in any of these,you can learn!):

First, you need to know yourself . What does it mean, ‘I know myself, who am I, what I do…’ No, I am not talking about your ID card. I am talking about being able to manage your emotions, as well to identify potential areas of improvement through training, courses, etc. to improve or learn from the beginning some new skills you need to grow and develop yourself to the full potential. Managing your emotions means that you will be able to respond to unpleasant situations rationally rather than emotionally. Thus, take time to think twice before you act!
Growth mindset people do not escape from challenges ass they believe in their ability to master whatever they turn their mind to

Secondly, you need to be able to know others. It means that you need to learn to listen others and their ideas and needs, and communicate with the people even if you disagree with them.

Thirdly, intelligence is great but to be honest, being incapable to handle things properly is certainly not a good thing. Hence, rather than succumbing to failure, resilient people accept that something didn’t work and go about finding a different solution, rather than stubborn keep repeating things didn’t work.

Persistent passion is needed to drive you towards success – pursuing something just because you are good at it and not because you are passionate about it, is unlikely to get you to the top. Knowledge is of course great and required too providing you understand it how to apply.

Having empathy is must in the whole process of your personal transformation towards happy and successful person. ”Yes, I see what you mean” and ”You are completely wrong” is a difference between emphatic and arrogant and self-centered persons.

Conscientious people are disciplined and very good at planing ahead rather than assuming they are already gifted with everything they need to know. Hence, they conscientiously put effort in to make sure that they do.

Curiosity is also very important – if you are keen to uncover why and how things works, than you are much more likely to success than other persons or colleagues in your working environment. Why is so? Because you sincerely and genuinely feel excitement when given the opportunity to learn something new for you.

Last but not least, taking time to study and develop the personality traits is required if you wish to enhance your life perspective and make a progress. I am talking about so-called “soft skills” that are fundamental to thriving in the business world.

While there is no evidence as far as I know that suggest that the IQ can be learnt, the good new is that personality traits can be learned, developed and enhanced, such as that with dedication and committment, You can be just as -if not even more- successful than any of your competitor. So, go ahead. Discover your passion and do not give up! Good luck!

…hey , beforehand, take a look at this quick/* quiz to see where do you stand in terms of your EQ

Each question asks how you act or feel in certain situations. One answer is required in terms how often it is true of your current state of play desired/not desired attitude/behavior! Ready?
When I feel bad I’m not sure what it is that is bothering me.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

When faced with a disappointment or a loss I try not to feel sad.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

I put high priority on understanding how I feel when I make an important decision.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

When I am upset it takes a long time for me to feel better.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

When someone criticizes me unfairly I feel bad about myself.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

My emotions goes like up and down.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

It’s hard for me to wait to get what I want even if I know it’s for the best.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

When working on a challenge I struggle to feel hopeful, energetic, and confident.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

If I have to do something I don’t want to do I put it off till later.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

When people share a problem with me I think more about how they could solve it then about how difficult it feels for them.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

In situations of conflict I have trouble understanding other people’s emotions.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

I am unable to sense other people’s unspoken feelings on important issues.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

I avoid engaging in conversation with people I don’t know well.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

I say things to other people that I regret later.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

In social situations it’s hard for me to build rapport with others.
Always (3) Usually (5) Sometimes (7) Rarely (9) Never (11)

Scoring your Emotional Intelligence Test
EIQ scores range from 45 to 165 with 105 being average. 120 and above is exceptional.

Components of Emotional Intelligence
Self-Awareness: Questions 1-3
Self-Regulation: Questions 4-6
Internal Motivation: Questions 7-9
Empathy: Questions 10-12
Social Skills: Questions 13-15

/* test is based on work and theory by D. Goleman