You probably remember who the “smart” kids were – and who the “dummies” were, too during school time period of your life. Kids can be mean. I mean really, really mean. Very frequently the labels that that we are ‘assigned’ by our teachers, friends, parents, at young age can follow us around and linger in our subconscious long into our adult lives.
Some people manage to shake off these destructive labels and continue their path regardless what others think, whereby others do not. Where’s he catch? Well, even if you weren’t good in school – I mean classical type of student that stands as ”excellent”, ”very good” or ”good” – no worry – as you can actually be a genius and not even know it.

Here’s what I mean:

According to Harvard scientists, we humans actually have eight different types of intelligences. This might explain why regular “classroom” learning didn’t fit your unique abilities. Or, if you were super successful student, it could explain why you were able to thrive in that kind of environment.
You know what? Once you discover your own unique type of ”genius”, amazing things happen – meaning that:
– You finally gain clarity on who you really are.
– You understand your learning style… your strengths… and your weaknesses.
– You can decide what aspects of life, career or business you should focus on and which ones are just a waste of time.
It’s actually quite liberating. Now, I’m sure you’re probably curious about discovering your own, unique “genius” abilities.

Let’s have a look what YOUR intelligence type:

1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
The linguistic ninjas who score high in verbal-linguistic intelligence are highly sensitive to the sound, meaning, and order (syntax) of words.
They love to talk, listen, read, and write; they often become literary luminaries, foreign language translators, or public speakers.Is this an area where you could improve your knowledge and skills? Want to expand your mind in this realm of intelligence? Write a poem full of intense imagery and unique wordplay and recite it during an open mic night at your local cafe or pub. If that doesn’t jive with you, read up on current events or watch a philosophical film and engage a Verbal-Linguistic friend in a lively discussion.

2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
This is the category of intelligence most widely measured by the old-school IQ tests. People who score high on this scale tend to have strong abilities in (surprise!) mathematics, and love to solve problems in the context of other complex systems. They are often much more logical than emotional . . . and think things through in a sequential pattern. If you have a high logical-mathematical intelligence, you might be interested in a career in Information Technology, Software Engineering, or a science such as Biology.
If you tend to have many dull moments when attempting to think logically or balance your checking account , start to work on puzzles, break ciphers, or solve riddles.

And if you’re feeling really brave, take a gadget (non-essential to your daily life) apart and try to figure out how it works,then put it back together again. You got this. It just takes a little practice. And when or if you get frustrated, just set it aside and come back to it later (or not). This should be a stress-free experience.

3. Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence
These guys are all the rage because they understand and create music. They’re the singers and dancers, instrumentalists, musicians, and composers. If you want to boost your musical intelligence, find yourself a hand drum and learn to play! You can also dance around (when no one is looking if you’re shy) to your favorite music.

4. Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Do you know what fighter pilots and graphic designers have in common? To perform their jobs well, they must be able to visualize the world they are navigating precisely. For example, a Military Flight Aptitude test measure one’s ability to map 2-D images in 3-D space. People with high visual-spatial intelligence have highly-tuned depth perception and a honed talent for imagining layouts based on data points or images.
Ways to Enhance Your Visual-Spacial Skills:
-Participate in the arts; and take up sculpture, collage, photography, or painting, create a flowchart for your next work project,find a challenging puzzle and, if you get bored or stumped, don’t give up, and/or take up chess.

5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
People with this special brand of IQ love to use their bodies.They make excellent athletes, performers, and dancers. To enhance your kinesthetic intelligence, get a move on! Learn to dribble a soccer or basketball, or take a ballet or hip-hop dance class. Just get out there and express yourself, any physical activity will do the trick.

6. Inter-personal Intelligence
These folks are natural-born diplomats. They are sensitive the needs of other people and are very good at negotiation to find that compromise that will work for everyone concerned. Interpersonally intelligent people are very perceptive of what motivates others—their moods, desires, and ambitions. They are excellent communicators and listeners who are known for driving a tough bargain. They often become leaders, therapists, or politicians. To build mastery in your interpersonal skill set, you can teach a friend something you know a lot about, engage with others in conversations and debates, or coach a junior sports team.

7. Intra-personal Intelligence
Just as people with intrapersonal intelligence, intrapersonal smart people have high Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Those who score well on the intrapersonal scale are adroit at perceiving and understanding their emotions, values, and philosophy of life.They know how to set goals and maintain the discipline it takes to achieve them, by being accountable to themselves. They are deep thinkers who often seek solitude. And they often become spiritual leaders, writers, and/or inventors. You can reach higher levels of intrapersonal intelligence all by yourself. Write in a journal,practice mindfulness, and read books of poetry and philosophy.

8. Naturalist Intelligence
These are the people who know the names of most all flowers, trees, insects, and birds. They love to be in nature either hiking, climbing mountains, or working on ecological projects. They see patterns and connections throughout the universe, and tend to be spiritual, a result of a profound connection to the natural world. They make excellent environmentalists, ecologists, zoologists, or members of the forestry service. To explore your naturalist side, go on a backpacking trip, take a long walk on the beach, or lie down on your back to watch the clouds drift by. What animals do you see?

Isn’t it a relief to know you can still be smart, no matter how frazzled you become in the face of a differential equation? Now, are you ready to achieve greatness and reach your full potential?

When we open up to the possibilities of developing multiple forms of intelligence, entire worlds begin to present themselves. You’ll see. As you explore these eight areas, remember that you are dabbling in new skills . . . stuff that may take the time to take-off or be lucrative. And if what you’re doing doesn’t float your boat, you have the freedom to explore something else.

Enjoy the journey my friends through your highly intelligent, multi-faceted mind!